Author Archives: Chloe

Perspectives Upon Reflection Of My Second Biggest Advocacy.

You know. There really is not much to say, except maybe I should have written about this topic earlier. In all honesty, while it is not my first goal in life to solve the suicide problem within different communities, it would come in as close second. Even more so, one could argue it relates to […]

Loves and Hugs!💖

Love.Live.Travel.Faith.Smile.Dance.Sing.Praise.Learn.Enjoy.Hug. Love.Live.Travel.Faith.Smile.Dance.Sing.Praise.Learn.Enjoy.Hug.  

What I Learned My First Semester of University.

Change is one of the only qualities in life we can expect to be unexpected. There is no plan the works out perfectly, which in my case led to an ever- changing first semester at Furman University. From early August to mid -November, I learned how to begin developing my life as a university student. […]

My Very Favorite Place

My one favorite place doesn’t exist. It  is not my own home or my own bed, like many people my age would say. Rather, it is the places I get to experience the most changes, met the most people, and enhance my understanding. My favorite place is not only one destination, but the places I […]


    If you are someone close to me, you know that I want nothing more in life then to travel. Travel brings me closer to my own home and the others that surround me. it opens my eyes to new places, things and people. If I am being honest with everyone, I feel like […]

Sayings I Live By

“Advice from Sea Turtles, Swim w/ the Current Be a Good Navigator Stay Clam Under Pressure Be Well Traved Think Long Term Age Gracefully Spend Time at the Beach” This is the most recent qoutes I have choosen to live by. I love Sea turtles. They spend their whole lives traveling and adventuring the   […]


I mention a lot about my travels outside of the states, but there have also been great travels to many places in the U.S. Most recently I have been to New Orleans, Dallas, and Nashville. I would love to go through and name every single place I have been to in the US, but I […]

Photographing Greece

Greece. A lovely land of sea and temples. I do not know of a better place to begin when posting pictures I have taken while traveling. I love to live life behind my professional camera as well as in front of it. Being a traveler means I document the places I have been for my […]

Photographing Paris,France

Paris is a lovely city full of culture and once in a lifetime experiences. This is why i was so excited to be going here last July. Although it was over 95 degrees in a city not meant for over 80, the pictures and experiences I was able to have are well worth the time. […]

Photographing Wales

When visiting Wales you can photograph everything, from delicious delectables to green hills. And both of those are on here. Above is a plate of lamb from Y Tablot. The lamb covered in bread crumbs was the best lamb I have ever had. As you scroll down, you will see pictures of what I believe […]